Czech Republic: Top court rules surgery is not required to officially change gender

Source: ABC News

“The Czech Republic’s highest court on Tuesday ruled to dismiss part of a law requiring people to undergo gender-affirmation surgery, including sterilization, in order to officially change their gender. The Constitutional Court said the requirements are ‘unconstitutional’ and ‘in conflict with the fundamental right of trans people to have protected their physical integrity and personal autonomy in connection with their human dignity.’ Only two of the court’s 15 judges opposed the verdict, which cannot be appealed. Lawmakers must change the affected sections of the law by the middle of next year.” (05/07/24)

Hayek’s “Denationalization Of Money.” Some Critical Remarks

Source: Cobden Centre
by Thorsten Polleit

“In a nutshell, Hayek, in his ‘Denationalization Of Money’ calls for putting an end to the state’s (or government’s) monopoly of money production, replacing it by a free market in money. At first glance, this seems to be a rather radical proposal. At a second glance, however, we would realize that there is actually strong economic and ethical support for Hayek’s idea. And Hayek is actually not alone. Quite a few economists have challenged and even opposed the status quo, namely that money production is monopolized by the state(s).” (05/07/24)

Trump’s critical VP pick: 5 key criteria the president must consider

Source: Fox News
by Liz Peek

“Between now and July 15, when the GOP convention kicks off in Milwaukee, presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will pick a running mate. Oftentimes the vice presidential choice is not especially consequential; this time it is. Trump can only serve one term. If you believe, like two-thirds of your fellow Americans, that the country is on the wrong track, you must agree that four years of Donald Trump will not suffice. To fix our open border, restore law and order, unleash our domestic energy industries, bring federal spending under control and so much more, will take 8 to 12 years. That is what our nation needs and, with the help of his vice president, that is what Trump must deliver.” [editor’s note: C’mon DJT, take a step forward; choose Vivek and be done with it – SAT] [additional editor’s note: Vivek would serve the same purpose as Kamala – TLK] (05/07/24)

Polish security finds cabinet meeting room bugged

Source: BBC News [UK State Media]

“Special services in Poland have discovered and removed bugging devices in a room where cabinet ministers were due to meet. The weekly cabinet meeting normally takes place in the prime minister’s office in Warsaw. But Tuesday’s session was relocated to the southern city of Katowice because several ministers, including Prime Minister Donald Tusk, were due to attend a major economic conference there. Poland has seen increased spying activity since it became an international hub for military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine following Russia’s 2022 invasion. In a separate case this week a judge has sought asylum in neighbouring Belarus, and Mr Tusk said on Tuesday he had access to confidential documents. ‘The State Protection Service, in co-operation with the Internal Security Agency, detected and dismantled devices that could be used for eavesdropping,’ wrote security services spokesman Jacek Dobrzynski on X.” (05/07/24)

Apple’s Big Business: Mises is Right, Senator Warren is Wrong

Source: American Institute for Economic Research
by Kimberlee Josephson

“Apple’s competitive advantage in relation to product innovation and iOS integration is what propelled the iPhone’s popularity within the United States, but on a global scale Apple’s smartphones can’t seem to catch up with Android. At roughly 70 per cent market share, Android dominates the international smartphone space and, in India, Android holds an impressive 95 per cent. Apple also falls short as a favored smartphone choice in China where Vivo, Huawei, and Honor are preferred. Brands battling it out for attaining market share is to be expected but battling with bureaucrats is also now becoming commonplace. And, for Apple, political officials are targeting the firm’s core competitive strategies.” (05/07/24)

Pakistan: Regime Says Attack That Killed Chinese Engineers Was Planned in Afghanistan

Source: US News & World Report

“Pakistan’s military said on Tuesday that a suicide bomb attack that killed five Chinese engineers was planned in neighbouring Afghanistan, and that the bomber was also an Afghan national. The suicide bomber rammed a vehicle into a convoy of Chinese engineers working on a dam project in northwest Pakistan in March, killing six people. … Afghanistan’s Taliban-run administration did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Kabul has previously said rising violence in Pakistan is a domestic issue for Islamabad and denied allowing the use of its territory by militants.” (05/07/24)

What a Russian “victory” would actually look like

Source: Responsible Statecraft
by Mark Episkopos

“The Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, though it lacks a coherent strategy, is at least centered on an explicit guiding principle: Russia must not be allowed to win in Ukraine. This sentiment is widely shared by U.S. allies across the Atlantic. ‘I have a clear strategic objective,’ said French President Emmanuel Macron in a recent interview. ‘Russia cannot win in Ukraine.’ But, even in this consensus position, there is a major fly in the ointment: there has not been enough serious consideration of what a Russian victory in Ukraine would look like. The discussion has, instead, centered on alarmist predictions that obfuscate more than they reveal about Russian intentions and capabilities.” (05/07/24)